I photograph as a means of understanding myself and my surroundings. It’s a method of making sense of my world. Through photography, I have the ability to define my own reality, ask questions and make conclusions in a safe and creative space.

Below are completed photographic projects I have made that demonstrate important themes and topics to me with brief descriptions.
Some have accompanying Photobooks!

Every Night I Have the Same Dream

The photographs in Every Night I Have the Same Dream question the reality of internal consciousness and physical space of the home. Through a layered cycle of entrapment in physical and psychological space, attempt at growth, and questioning what it means to be a woman, the photographs show repetitive movements of a young woman’s body stretching, bending, and reaching in and around her home. The themes within this work function as a cycle, enhancing the ambiguity and uncertainty in the isolated space.

View the photobook here.


When I began this work in 2019, changes in my health forced me to consider how women connect to their bodies. The photographs are inspired by natural movements like tree branches stretching for sunlight after all their leaves have fallen and how our bodies stretch and move in very similar ways.

The Woods Were Quiet That Morning

Exploring my identity through the physicality and phenomenology of the idea of home. As we explore the exterior snow-covered woods, a written narration guides and describes the emotional state of this travel.

A visual approach with elements that relate to a family album; the leaking borders, hand written numbers and titles are clues to help keep memories. As for the cyanotype material itself, fades in sunlight over time.

One Year in Zines

I created a series of twelve small photobooks every month for a year, only using the photographs taken within that month. These images function in small sets (by month) to showcase subtle changes in how time and physical repetition creates strong nostalgic experiences. Through the progression of each book in the series, the time of year plays an important role in discovering the reminiscent qualities of the paired imagery. Documentations of memories as they occur.

View the zines here.